Author Archives: stratlogistics

How Will Automation Influence Package Delivery?

We are amid the 4th Industrial Revolution with things like AI, increased automation, and advanced computing driving us forward. E-commerce has greatly disrupted how we do business. Online players like Amazon take a significant chunk of the market from brick-and-mortar stores like BestBuy.

E-commerce logistics is in a constant state of evolution as companies seek ways to get products to customers more efficiently. The difference between a successful e-commerce business and a failing one comes down to speed. Customers making online purchases want items instantly. This is why e-commerce companies are turning to automation to make faster deliveries while reducing costs with developments such as Amazon’s Scout delivery robot. Read more. . .


How Smart Cities Will Expedite Package Delivery

An increase in trends such as crowdsourcing, e-commerce, and same day delivery has resulted in the evolution of last mile package delivery. Last mile delivery refers the transportation of goods from a storage center to the end user’s destination.

Last mile package delivery service is executed by reliable click and collect retailers, freight transportation companies, independent couriers and drivers, self-service parcel lockers, courier firms, and postal service destination centers. Vehicles used in the last mile package delivery service include electric trucks, gas and diesel powered vehicles, bicycles, and autonomous vehicles. The continued growth of e-commerce has resulted in an increase in the volume of deliveries and a further increase in delivery vehicles. Read more. . .


Top Data Analytic Tools of 2018

In order to provide a useful analysis of large sets of data, Big Data Analytics software is becoming increasingly used. This software aids in getting information such as customer preferences, current market trends and other useful information.

The commerce industry would not be as it is without this software. Here are the top data analytic tools that were widely used in 2018:

Microsoft HDInsight

This tool is a Spark and Hadoop service in the cloud that provides big data services in Standard and Premium categories. It makes it possible for organizations to run their big data workloads. This tool has the following features: Read more. . .


Could Your Personal Security Measures Be Improved?

To say security – more specifically cybersecurity – plays an important role in today’s environment is an understatement. Be it professional or personal, so much of our lives are part of the digital realm. Bank accounts, social media, email, messaging, app platforms, and everywhere a login is required are all important aspects of our daily life.

That’s why it’s so important to take stock of your own methods for personal security. Sure, you may follow the company guidelines for safe internet usage, but maybe you don’t apply those policies for yourself. It might sound frivolous but making sure you remain cautious while using anything online can prevent future headaches. Read more. . .


Bring Your SMB to the Next Level with UCaaS

As a company, you already know how critical communication is for the successful completion of daily operations. Projects, clients, and tasks are all reliant on getting information to managers and workers at an efficient rate.

However, keeping everyone “in the know” is easier said than done. Old tech, inefficient systems, or lack of communication software can throw a wrench in even the most basic itinerary. This adds up to lost minutes, decreased efficiency, and a weaker overall bottom line.

How can you resolve this issue, especially with limited resources?

Simple: adopting a UCaaS. UCaaS stands for “unified communications as a service,” similar to “software as a service.” But, as the name implies, UCaaS is primarily for the centralization of workplace communication. Read more. . .


The Beginner’s Guide to Understanding Blockchain

If you work in the realm of cybersecurity, or at least keep an eye on it, you’ve likely come across the phrase ‘blockchain.’ You’ve also probably heard about how it can potentially change the face of online security.

A bold claim. Reshaping cyber protection? Everything from transactions to personal data? That’s incredible! But how true is it? Well, we’ll give you a quick intro into understanding blockchain and how it’s going to potentially change the future of cybersecurity.

Blockchain was and is the method to secure transactions for the cryptocurrency Bitcoin. It is, essentially, a long list of records (in most cases transactions) connected to each other, versus a singular process or server. The block is encrypted and contains data about said record, like say, when a Bitcoin was bought. It’s then connected to another transactional record, thus forming the ‘chain.’ Read more. . .


5 Ways Automation Benefits your Logistics Company

Logistics is all about the gathering and improvement of data. Typically, it’s found in industries handling huge amounts of info for the purpose of refining a process, such as transportation. Making sure this process is as efficient as possible is a top priority for those in the logistics world.

Automation is typically found in different ways, such as using machines to ship and sort large products, or software to better sort redundant information or store records. As such, by taking the human element out of basic, repetitious tasks, logistics companies can focus their staff on large scale projects. Read more. . .


How Virtualization is Shaping the Logistics Industry

The transportation industry has slowly adopted powerful technologies to streamline the process of delivery and delivery management. Everything is affected from shipping, efficiency and production benefit from modernization, especially virtualization.

Virtualization benefits companies of various types by allowing emulation of programs, features and servers through providers or virtual machines. It also gives unprecedented flexibility to things like mobile worker management, security and data analysis for logistics operations in general. Because virtualization is so adaptable and scalable, it’s likely that logistics will change entire strategies based upon it. Read more. . .


The Stages of a Cyber Breach and What to do in Each One

By now, every business owner is aware of the damage a security breach can have on their corporate systems – especially in logistics, where a breach can stop production for an unknown period of time, costing thousands of dollars in lost profit on top of the cost of your usual overheads.

Advanced cyber-attacks can nest inside a system for up to six months, so one of the best ways to protect your logistics company is to be aware of the stages of a cyber-attack itself. From there, you can learn what can be done to protect yourself. Read more. . .


What New Supply Chain Solutions Mean for the Logistics Industry

For any business, getting a finalized, quality product to its consumer base is a crucial factor in remaining profitable. Accomplishing this involves many factors, primarily with logistics and the supply chain. Both involve creating a process that get an item to its consumer within a certain timeframe. It also works to create a positive experience for the consumer, providing incentive to continue purchasing services or products from the business.

As newer methods for supply chain handling crop up every year, logistics too are directly affected. Logistics is a centralized method of taking information about how a product gets to a consumer. It looks at data relative to how long the product takes to produce, where it’s sold, for how much, how it’s transported and more. As supply methods change, often for better, this means logistics has to keep step by analyzing larger amounts of data to further improve efficiency of distribution. Read more. . .