Category Archives: Mobile technology

Bring Your SMB to the Next Level with UCaaS

As a company, you already know how critical communication is for the successful completion of daily operations. Projects, clients, and tasks are all reliant on getting information to managers and workers at an efficient rate.

However, keeping everyone “in the know” is easier said than done. Old tech, inefficient systems, or lack of communication software can throw a wrench in even the most basic itinerary. This adds up to lost minutes, decreased efficiency, and a weaker overall bottom line.

How can you resolve this issue, especially with limited resources?

Simple: adopting a UCaaS. UCaaS stands for “unified communications as a service,” similar to “software as a service.” But, as the name implies, UCaaS is primarily for the centralization of workplace communication. Read more. . .


How to Develop a Social Media Strategy for Your Logistics Company

Social media is a hugely popular aspect of the internet where friends, family and business professionals can connect with relative ease. It’s safe to say websites like Facebook are a common part of modern society, with millions of people using it every day. But the interesting thing about Facebook and social media sites like it is that they’re not just confined to personal communication. Social media can also be used to create business campaigns and media outlets for specific goals.

Utilizing this aspect of the net can be hugely beneficial for your business, so let’s look at a few ideas to help develop an overall strategy for a campaign. While the core subject will vary, the methods are generally the same. Read more. . .


5 Travel Accessories for the Mobile IT Professional

IT pros are never off-grid. You might be on the trans-Siberian Express; the office will still expect you to MacGyver an internet connection to find out why the instant messaging system is frozen again, or finalize cloud adoption strategy, or any of the million other things IT pros are needed for. Fortunately, most of what you need to stay productive while you’re on the move actually fits inside your laptop. With Wi-Fi more easily accessible and most smartphones being able to connect through 3G or 4G, apps have eclipsed the bagful of gimmicks that used to be required to work outside the office. Read more. . .


5 Reasons Your Logistics Company Should Go Mobile

Whether we hail from the east or the west, there is at least one common thing about us that shows that we have similar requirements regardless of the nature of our jobs, businesses, and careers. This mutual platform that we share is the mobile phone technology that is now being used in a more efficient manner. There are several businesses that have already developed customized mobile phone applications to manage their work schedule and effective communication system with employees. In logistics also, mobile phone applications have become the need of the hour. There are many reasons your logistics company should go mobile. Read more. . .


4 Reasons to Implement Mobile Technology into your Logistics Company

In the Logistics Industry, there is a lot to keep track of. From reports, to drivers, to orders, and even to leads, it can get difficult to stay organized in a timely manner. Warehouse Management systems (WMS) replaced paper-based systems sometime in the mid-1980s and since then the whole system has advanced to another level: Mobility.

Here are 4 reasons you should implement mobile technology into your logistics company:

Competitive Edge: Just like any other industry, it is a good time to go mobile. Not many logistics companies are using mobility to their advantage quite yet, so being one of the first to adopt such technologies gives you a competitive edge. Your customers will be impressed by your technology and feel not only safer but also will find you as more reliable. Read more. . .