Category Archives: Uncategorized

Could Your Personal Security Measures Be Improved?

To say security – more specifically cybersecurity – plays an important role in today’s environment is an understatement. Be it professional or personal, so much of our lives are part of the digital realm. Bank accounts, social media, email, messaging, app platforms, and everywhere a login is required are all important aspects of our daily life.

That’s why it’s so important to take stock of your own methods for personal security. Sure, you may follow the company guidelines for safe internet usage, but maybe you don’t apply those policies for yourself. It might sound frivolous but making sure you remain cautious while using anything online can prevent future headaches. Read more. . .


5 Ways Automation Benefits your Logistics Company

Logistics is all about the gathering and improvement of data. Typically, it’s found in industries handling huge amounts of info for the purpose of refining a process, such as transportation. Making sure this process is as efficient as possible is a top priority for those in the logistics world.

Automation is typically found in different ways, such as using machines to ship and sort large products, or software to better sort redundant information or store records. As such, by taking the human element out of basic, repetitious tasks, logistics companies can focus their staff on large scale projects. Read more. . .


The Stages of a Cyber Breach and What to do in Each One

By now, every business owner is aware of the damage a security breach can have on their corporate systems – especially in logistics, where a breach can stop production for an unknown period of time, costing thousands of dollars in lost profit on top of the cost of your usual overheads.

Advanced cyber-attacks can nest inside a system for up to six months, so one of the best ways to protect your logistics company is to be aware of the stages of a cyber-attack itself. From there, you can learn what can be done to protect yourself. Read more. . .


What New Supply Chain Solutions Mean for the Logistics Industry

For any business, getting a finalized, quality product to its consumer base is a crucial factor in remaining profitable. Accomplishing this involves many factors, primarily with logistics and the supply chain. Both involve creating a process that get an item to its consumer within a certain timeframe. It also works to create a positive experience for the consumer, providing incentive to continue purchasing services or products from the business.

As newer methods for supply chain handling crop up every year, logistics too are directly affected. Logistics is a centralized method of taking information about how a product gets to a consumer. It looks at data relative to how long the product takes to produce, where it’s sold, for how much, how it’s transported and more. As supply methods change, often for better, this means logistics has to keep step by analyzing larger amounts of data to further improve efficiency of distribution. Read more. . .


The Future of Business and Virtual Reality

Virtual reality has often been thought of as a concept only present in science fiction. While there have been attempts at VR in the past, it’s never really taken off. That, however, has changed dramatically as today we now have fully interactive software and hardware that emulates the idea of virtual reality. From the Oculus Rift to the Vive, there are many headsets to choose from along with equally interesting programs to explore.

Mostly, VR is centered around entertainment and the gaming industry, but this is only the beginning. In fact, businesses will likely find a future in virtual reality; if not selling the actual hardware, utilizing it as part of their company goals. Read more. . .


Why Your Logistics Company Needs a Backup Disaster Recovery Plan

No matter how careful we are these days with our precious tech and personal data, disaster can strike. A BDR (backup disaster recovery) is then absolutely essential for a modern business. No matter the type of work, product or service you offer, data is recorded along the way, stored on technology skeletons which often make up the backbone of a business. If you’ve never considered it, or don’t have a BDR, here’s a few reasons why it’s imperative to the upkeep of a company.

You can’t predict disaster Read more. . .


How Big Data and the Cloud Will Affect Logistics in 2016

Since the introduction of technology milestones like the cloud, the way data is handled and transported has changed dramatically. Additionally, the sheer saturation of information changes how any business can handle productivity, identifying entirely new factors that weren’t always available to them before. How logistics are analyzed is critical to the operation of a company but with shifts in big data, businesses have more potential to work with than ever.

For instance, shipping of goods can now have a host of new data behind it via tracking. Rather than filing physical reports, carriers can upload real time data about the speed in which products were delivered, at what times and on which dates. If there were holdups or delays, more data can be gathered to understand what caused the slowdown, allowing perhaps for re-routing and ultimately creating more efficient deliveries. Read more. . .


What is SEO and How Can it Help Your Business?

In today’s market, having a website to advertise your business is essential. Websites have become the easiest and fastest way for your business to be found.  That being said, your website has to find ways to gain visibility, and this is most commonly done through search engine optimization (SEO). Google is by far the most commonly used and will be the example here. Although there are alternatives – Yahoo, Bing, AOL – they all work on the same principles.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) works to enhance your site’s visibility by improving its ranking; it determines how far up your site shows on the list of unpaid or organic search results. Google will rank your site depending on how relevant and trustworthy it appears to be. Sites that appear on the first page of the list will always get more traffic. Let’s face it, when was the last time you looked at page 3 of your search results? (most people don’t even bother to scroll down: all the good real estate is right at the top.) By boosting your ranking, SEO ensures more people access your site, which is always good for your business. Read more. . .


Proactive Monitoring for Logistics Companies

Businesses need predictable, secure and adaptable supply chains to compete in a global market where speed and reliability are both at a premium. Whether your clients are retailing products directly to widely-distributed consumers or carrying valuable plant or hardware to businesses, everyone expects a premium service. The only way to deliver that in a cost-effective manner is to proactively monitor logistics.

Proactive monitoring is very different from ‘reactive monitoring.’ Proactive monitoring aims to prevent things from going wrong before anything begins. It does this by looking for problems while they’re still small or before they’re there and stepping in before they get big enough to interrupt operations or show up on the radar of your customers and clients. Read more. . .